Decluttering our hearts to make room for Jesus
I’m not very good at keeping house. I have great plans of having a beautifully organized home with everything in its place, but it rarely comes to fruition. A few…
I’m not very good at keeping house. I have great plans of having a beautifully organized home with everything in its place, but it rarely comes to fruition. A few…
It was a jarring moment when I realized I didn’t love God. Or, rather, I didn’t love God as I should — simply because of who he is. The epiphany…
Have you ever sat in the pews before confession, searching on your phone for the right examination of conscience? As you tap through the different websites, none of the examinations…
Preparing for the Sacrament of Confession means probing more deeply into our thoughts, words, deeds and habits than we might be used to. This intense reflection isn’t something our culture…