A future and a hope: Trusting God while job searching
During a difficult job transition a few years ago, I had to be proactive while also trusting God. At first, it seemed like a paradox. I’m an overachiever, so I’m…
During a difficult job transition a few years ago, I had to be proactive while also trusting God. At first, it seemed like a paradox. I’m an overachiever, so I’m…
Joyful religious sisters, brothers and priests are almost magnetic in how they draw young people to consider living lives of radical holiness. As a young girl, I felt this attraction…
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t able to use the internet in one way or another. Growing up, almost everyone I knew had a PC, then a laptop…
Recently, I wrote an article about why you should trust God when your life doesn’t make sense. I wrote it because I know there are a lot of people who…
“Have you ever heard of the Surrender Novena?” I sighed and stopped mid-step. “Only because you’re the fourth person to mention it to me this week,” I muttered. I was…
Let me know if this sounds familiar: You did well in your interview but didn’t get the job. Or, you met someone who made your heart skip a beat only…
My husband and I grow anxious whenever we watch the news and learn about everything that’s going on in the world. We tell ourselves that we need to keep up-to-date,…
A few weeks ago, we had a visitor in our home who went straight for the jugular. “You Catholics are going to hell because you believe in a religion instead…
One of my best qualities can also be my biggest hindrance in my faith life: I am extremely good at planning and organization. My Google calendar has events blocked off…
When we moved into our house, my husband and I found an old raised garden bed falling apart in our backyard. We waited for the spring to see what would…