Dear sister: Your desire to be married is good
My first date happened when I was 28 years old. You can imagine the ways the enemy tried to rub…
Rachel Meixner hails from Ohio, and her best friend among the saints is St. John the Apostle. She holds a BA and MA in theology, and teaches theology to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students at a Catholic school in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She loves watching her students discover their faith anew through lessons and fun activities. On a day when she isn’t teaching, you can find Rachel reading, painting, cooking or taking a ballroom dancing lesson.
My first date happened when I was 28 years old. You can imagine the ways the enemy tried to rub…
In a world that insists on defining things by extremes, it can be challenging to identify the true balance we…
Have you ever been completely surprised by the Lord using one of your passions to teach you how to grow…