How to offer your gifts back to God in gratitude
Everything we have is a gift, something not guaranteed — the breath in our lungs, the sunrise over a new day, our loved ones, profession, health and home — yet…
Everything we have is a gift, something not guaranteed — the breath in our lungs, the sunrise over a new day, our loved ones, profession, health and home — yet…
Have you ever found yourself forgetting the places where God has worked in your life — places where he answered prayers, healed you, or gave you clarity? Just a few…
Dear Bride, I’ve been married for a long time. I won’t tell you how long because Radiant’s readers are young, and I’m afraid you’ll think I have nothing to offer….
If you were to ask me what I associate with the word “thanksgiving,” the first image that would pop into my mind is one that involved a delicious meal, family,…
When our friends and family share good news about their lives, we congratulate them with the best intentions, but sometimes we get the nagging feeling that we’re being left out….
In 2019, my husband and I bought our first home. We were excited to get to know our neighbors and put down roots in a community. But by the time…
When God spoke creation into being, he looked upon everything he had made and called it good. In doing so, God himself set the precedent of the art of affirmation….
If there was ever a time for the world to hit the reset button in our lives, Lent seems to be the most appropriate time. And this year, in the…