There have been seasons in my life where the Lord has asked me to fast from social media and from music. These two fasts have produced some of the most fruit in my life because they made me realize a very important truth.
The Lord’s voice was not the loudest voice in my life.
Whenever I was sad, frustrated, happy or tired, I would turn to one of my curated playlists for these feelings. Whenever I was bored, or wanted to see what other people’s opinions were or what others were doing in their lives, I would turn to social media and take in their opinions like a gospel. I would not turn to the Lord and ask him to sit with me in my sadness, frustration or happiness. I would not turn to the Lord in a moment of quiet to offer up a prayer or ask him to speak into a situation in my life. I would turn to these outside, worldly things.
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This is not to say that all music or media is bad. Christian songs often have a way of elevating my worship and bringing me deeper into prayer. I listen to podcasts and follow influencers on social media who share the same faith and values and are preaching the Gospel through their platforms. However, these good things should never replace the voice of God in our lives.
Listening to a podcast with hosts who are heaven-minded or who proclaim and live our Christian values is not a bad thing. In fact, it might even bring a sense of community, in that we realize we are not alone in this battle and that there are people out there giving voice to that. Several of these social media platforms have even founded friendships for people, creating authentic community.
Your path to sainthood
The slippery slope lies where we start to value what these influences in our lives say more than we value what God has to say.
When you go on a date and are unsure if you should go on a second one, do you take it to the Lord, or do you find a post, remember a podcast episode or search for a YouTube video with advice about it?
When a situation arises during the holidays where your family questions your faith, do you turn to advice you heard from an influencer, or do you turn to the Lord for comfort and guidance?
When you have a situation with a friend and are unsure if you should continue pursuing that friendship, do you send a message to the podcast you listen to for advice, or do you go and sit in the presence of the Lord and ask him what he wants you to do?
When you’ve had a hard day at work and just want to tune out, do you turn your music all the way loud and try not to think, or do you turn to the Lord and share where your heart is with him?
The Lord is the only one who truly knows your heart. The Lord is the only one who truly knows your life and the circumstances he has given you to turn you into a saint, and he is the only one who knows what your unique path to holiness and sainthood looks like. Not only does the Lord know all this about you, but he desires your holiness and sainthood, and he desires for you to come to him with all of your sadness, your frustrations, your joys, your boredom and your relationship questions.
Sure it is easier to listen to these outside voices that are giving helpful advice and tips, or to tune out feelings with music, shows or books, but the Lord’s voice should always be the loudest.
An invitation to fast
I know we may hear it often, but the Lord comes in silence.
“Then the Lord said: Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord; the Lord will pass by. There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord — but the Lord was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake — but the Lord was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire — but the Lord was not in the fire; after the fire, a light silent sound” (1 Kings 19:11-12).
Nowadays there is noise all around us, just like all the loudness that was around Elijah, and it’s not all bad. However, the Lord knows that sometimes we need to be pulled away from that noise in order to hear his voice. We have to learn his voice in order to know it when we hear it, just as Elijah knew that the Lord came in “a light silent sound,” sometimes we have to quiet our surroundings and attune our ears to the ways in which the Lord speaks to our hearts.
You don’t have to wait for a liturgical season to fast; you can offer a fast in prayer for something or ask the Lord if he is calling you to fast from something in your life to turn more toward him.
When I took the time to fast from these things, I learned to be more attentive to the Lord’s voice, my little anxieties decreased because I learned to hold more value in his voice in my life over others, and I often crave silence now — silence which is used to pray and be present.
Be attentive to who — or what — has the loudest voice in your life, and if needed, make room for the Lord’s voice and orient your hearing back to him.