
6 resources to care for your mind, body and soul

Self-care has become a popular topic, but what does it actually mean? What does it look like in our individual lives? When you scroll on social media, you’ll quickly find that popular culture has countless ideas on the subject. However, it is important to think about self-care in a holistic way that goes beyond bubble baths and chocolate and solo trips to get our nails done (though those can certainly be a part of it!). As Catholics, we believe we are beautifully and intricately woven together by God — body, mind and soul. Therefore, true self-care includes nourishing and tending to these different aspects of ourselves. It can be intimidating to find what we need, which is why I am happy to encourage you on your journey by providing some excellent options for diving deeper into self-care. 

Whether you prefer reading books or listening to podcasts, here are some resources to dig deeper into self-care for your body, mind and soul.  

For your body

Book: “See Yourself as God Sees You” by Shannon Whitmore 

This book is aimed at women, but its message is applicable to everyone. It includes reflections on healing your self-image based on Catholic teaching, and it also has practical exercises for applying the information to your daily life. If you want to actively work on self-care for your body, through a Catholic lens, this book is the one for you!  

Podcast: “Why Listening to Your Body Leads to Healing,” Part 1 and 2 by “The Place We Find Ourselves” 

“The Place We Find Ourselves,” hosted by Adam Young, is a podcast that focuses on many different aspects of self-care and health. These two episodes in particular are a wonderful introduction to growing in body awareness and listening to what our bodies need. This is a great place to start on your self-care journey, as recognizing your needs is the first step in actually meeting them!

For your mind

Book: “The Next Right Thing Guided Journal” by Emily P. Freeman 

Do you struggle with anxiety? Is it hard for you to organize your day, let alone your life? Does your mind feel foggy when you try to plan ahead? As a student, I bought this 12-month guided journal, and I couldn’t believe how helpful it was for organizing my thoughts and feelings. It’s not a planner; rather, it focuses on helping you break down decisions and transitions into bite-sized pieces so that you can move forward in life without that constant feeling of being behind. It also encourages self-reflection and mindfulness by taking time to notice what’s going on in your mind and soul. This journal might just be your “next right thing.”

Podcast: “Poetry Unbound” by On Being Studios

Caring for ourselves sometimes means immersing our minds in thought-provoking and inspiring activities. Maybe you’ve never really read much poetry, or maybe you’re a hard-core fan. Either way, good poetry can lead you to a place of self-reflection and peace. I recommend pairing this podcast with a warm bath and a sweet treat, as you let your mind enter into the words of some of the world’s greatest poets. 

For your soul

Book: “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young 

This beautiful 365-day devotional book is an excellent resource for learning to take care of your soul. Each daily reflection is only a few paragraphs long and is woven with encouraging Scriptures and ideas about God’s love for you. I’ve gone through the devotional multiple times, and my soul always feels refreshed after reading a passage. Whether you’ve just started your spiritual journey or are a seasoned spiritual reader, this book might be perfect for you. 

Podcast: “Pray As You Go”

This podcast has been a wonderful resource for those rough days when I don’t feel like taking time to pray, or for when I’m on the road and still want to take a minute for my soul. The hosts release daily guided meditation episodes, usually 10 to 15 minutes long, based on the readings from daily Mass. I love how accessible they are for people of all backgrounds and how they incorporate music, Scripture and questions for you to reflect on. 

Remember that taking time for yourself — body, mind and soul — is never time wasted. Caring for ourselves can so often be pushed to the back burner in our busy lives as students, friends, wives and mothers, but pausing to notice what we truly need at any moment always helps us show up better for others and for the world at large. When we nourish and care for ourselves physically, intellectually and spiritually, we are better able to be the gift that God has created us to be. 

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