When you worry Jesus will give you the leftovers
“Jesus, you are my friend. I trust you, but at the same time, I feel like I am always waiting for my desires to be fulfilled. At this point, I…
“Jesus, you are my friend. I trust you, but at the same time, I feel like I am always waiting for my desires to be fulfilled. At this point, I…
Over the years, I have had the joy of working with young children. Inevitably, children are asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a little…
“Kiss icon! Kiss icon!” squeals my 2-year-old. She lunges forward and touches her lips to the icon of Mary and Jesus before us in the line for Communion. Other children…
I never understood the devotion to the Sacred Heart. I could understand a devotion to a saint; throughout my life I always looked up to top athletes for inspiration, persons…
Eucharistic processions are beautiful to behold. Christ, carried out to the streets, provides images of the God-man who walked the first-century towns of Galilee and Judea, desirous of all to…
Sometime during the early months of dating my husband, I remember telling him how excited I was to be a mother one day. There was a deep ache inside of…
“So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” (Mt 26:40). For many years after my conversion, I never went to Eucharistic adoration. For me, it was shrouded…
Occasionally when I witness a particularly breathtaking starry night, I recall the phrases from Coldplay’s song, “Yellow” — “Look at the stars — look how they shine for you” —…
Have you ever found yourself before the Blessed Sacrament feeling like nobody but Jesus could understand what you were going through or be able to offer any useful assistance? American…
The past several years have not been void of darkness. Pandemics, political turmoil, economic wars, actual wars, isolation, depression — and I think there were murder hornets somewhere in between….