When you worry Jesus will give you the leftovers
“Jesus, you are my friend. I trust you, but at the same time, I feel like I am always waiting for my desires to be fulfilled. At this point, I…
“Jesus, you are my friend. I trust you, but at the same time, I feel like I am always waiting for my desires to be fulfilled. At this point, I…
As a mother of four, I understand the whirlwind of life with little ones. The days are long, the nights are short, and the moments of quiet are few and…
I remember the evening was cool, a gift for a midsummer night in the south. Sitting on a dock by a pretty lake at dusk, I was still stunned that…
Self-care has become a popular topic, but what does it actually mean? What does it look like in our individual lives? When you scroll on social media, you’ll quickly find…
Even in his elderly years, Brother Edmund is statuesque. Well over six feet and with his long scraggly beard, he conjures up images of Treebeard from “The Lord of the…
In a world that is so confused over what it means to be a man or woman, the Catholic faith is such a gift. With the example of numerous female…
“The greater and more persistent your confidence in God, the more abundantly you will receive all that you ask.” — St. Albert the Great Do you ever feel afraid to…
I recently graduated from college and quickly discovered that this milestone brings much to figure out. For example, what comes next? Graduate school? A job? Living arrangements — at home,…
Amid the ups and downs of life and its many phases and stages, things can feel overwhelming when a crisis or challenge comes along. Although most of our days are…
You know what goes well with expensive equipment, lots of time standing still and an extreme attention to detail? Toddlers. That’s why, as a new mom, I decided having little…